Perths best bike shop, over 200 bikes on the shop floor!

Website hints and tips

Welcome to the Evolution Bikes website!

We’ve worked hard to get this website up and running however it’s still a work in progress, there’s always more to do! If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us and we’ll be sure to take it on board.

Searching for any products (bikes, e-bikes, gps computers etc. etc.) should be a breeze. You can click through the ‘category’ options located both towards the top of the page and in the bottom left corner. There are further sub-category options also available, as well as some further filtering options as you sift through the many many bikes, e-bikes and bike related products we have available.

Additionally, if you know what you’re looking for, just click on the handy little magnifying glasstype away and that which you seek shall (hopefully…) be revealed!

In a drastic improvement to our days as My Ride Perth Central, we now have our point of sale system interfacing directly to to our website. Anything that is marked as ‘In Stock’ is in stock in our point of sale system. Of course, we cannot guarantee we are not selling whatever fantastic product you’re looking at in store right now, so it always pays to confirm any availability with us in person. Give us a call on 08 6161 3899 and we’re always happy to check for you.

Unfortunately due to limitations on website functionality, we’re unable to provide a ‘filter function’ to show only what’s currently available in store (although we’re working hard on it), however there is a great little workaround. If you click through our product range via the ‘category/sub-category’ pathways, select the ‘list view’ option (not grid view) and any product displaying ‘View options’ is in stock in at least one colour or size! See the image below as an example.

Please note, we also endeavour to make sure that only products that are available from our many fantastic distributors show up on our website. If we have a product showing, but not in stock, chances are we can order it in. Again, just contact us and we’ll follow up with the supplier and get back to you ASAP.

If you have any further queries or questions, please give us a call. We’re here to help!